OBAMA’ SYRIA WAR-The Truth of Syria Civil War-

OBAMA’ SYRIA WAR-The Truth of Syria Civil War-
Historical Synthesis of the Civil War in Syria.

After president Obama took possession of the White House, he publicly let Americans know that one of his priorities was to dethrone dictators who did not agree with his international policy. This led to the events of what is called “The Arab Spring”.
Everything began in 2009. During president Obama’ first trip to Egypt, he made a political speech at Cairo University indirectly attacking president Mubarak, who had already signed an agreement with Israel in order to solve the conflict with Palestine, was the representative of the Middle Eastern countries with the United States, and was considered one of the best friends of this country.

Sooner or later, after a political process of intimidations, he began asking the presidents of Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria to withdraw from their jobs.
EGYPT. President Mubarak, Shiite, was cast out and replaced by the Sunni terrorist group Brotherhood, backed by the American government.
In February 2017 Mr. Mubarak recovered his liberty after being in jail for five years, and Egypt is the only country where people have been living a relatively peaceful life.
YEMEN. President Salenh, Shiite, was toppled and was replaced with de facto Sunni president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi who governs the country from Saudi Arabia where he has found refuge, due to the civil war that began after Salenh was deposed in 2014.

LIBYA . President Gaddafi, Shiite, who had reestablished a relationship with Europe and the U.S. did not resign and President Obama in retaliation, against the advice of the Army and ignoring the decision of congress, which did not find any reasonable cause to attack Libya, on one Saturday, on March, 2011, on only one day, began the invasion deploying 9.500 bombs over the country between March and October 2011, according to officials information at that time. Gaddafi who considered Obama his best friend, resisted and finally was assassinated when driving his private car moving without military protection, from SIRTE, his native city, to a nearby place in Libya, in order to sign a supposed peace agreement with Hillary Clinton, according to a BBC version at that time.
Both political parties, with a 70% majority of congressmen rejected the War in Libya, considering it absolutely unconstitutional. Democrat Kucinich, who led the opposition of his party to the War, lost his curul, because of retaliation of the White House. Gaddafi was replaced by Sunni terrorist groups. The country is still in civil war.

SYRIA. President Assad, Shiite also, rejected president Obama’s order to step down considering the international interventionism of president Obama completely absurd. Obama in retaliation decided to attack Syria.

On February 25 of 2012, in Tunis at an international CONFERENCE presided by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with the participation of several countries, mainly Arabs: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arabs Emirates, Obama made un ALIANCE and declared an informal war against Assad-Syria.
Obama publicly declared that the Assad government was illegal and the opposition movement called Free Army of Syria was the legitimate government of Syria.

The members of the Alliance promised to contribute money and weapons and they have done so up to now. Hillary Clinton met the leader of the Free Syrian Army in Tunis and contributed $10 million dollars to begin the revolution.

A day before the Assembly, Hillary Clinton told the British anchor, Karen Deyoung: “The Rebels will from somewhere or somehow find the means to defend themselves as well as begin offensive measures”
In 2013 the Alliance, took over ALEPO, an industrial city in Syria in a bloody combat, where both sides supposedly used chemical weapons. After four years of being controlled by the Alliance, under permanent military confrontation, the Assad Government retook total control of the city in January of 2017.

ISIS, Sunni, emerged in Syria simultaneously with the Rebels after the ALIANCE was constituted on February 25, 2012. The Rebels took ALEPPO in 2013, while ISIS, took PALMIRA and RAQQA in January 2014. Same year ISIS moved to Iraq, invaded MOSUL, petroleum producer, and became an exporter of Iraq petroleum to neighboring countries. Syria recovered Palmira in 2016 as it did Aleppo in 2017. Raga is still the main area of conflict

According to United Nations, during five years, after February 25, 2012, more that 350.000 people have been killed and approximately 5 million have abandoned Syria, a country of a population of only 25 million.

RUSSIA BROKERED the CHEMICAL weapon DEAL. The Alliance and the Assad government had accused each other of using chemical weapons after Aleppo fell into the hands of the Rebels, and after many fruitless attempts to come to an agreement, in 2013, the parts involved in the conflict recurred to Russia, as independent third power, to solve the impasse.

It was President Putin who brokered a deal between the U.S.A-Rebels and the Assad government, in which Assad accepted eliminating and removing all kinds of Chemical weapons from the country. The American government was in charge of transporting chemical Weapon out of Syria and depositing them in Afghanistan, to be burned and destroyed, supposedly in caves. Several countries participated in this deal and the United Nations was in charge of supervising its implementation.

President Obama has said that the Chemical Weapons were 100% out of Syria after compliance with the agreement.

RUSSIA SIDED with ASSAD. In 2015 Russia decided to join the war siding with Assad which was a surprise for Obama who thought in advance that Putin would be the person to help him kick Assad out of the country. This was the initial step that led both presidents to work separately in the war.

RUSSIA and the PEACE Treaties. For five years President Obama submitted the approval of Peace Treaties proposed by different international Organizations to the condition of ousting Assad from the government. More than 30 times in different situations Obama insisted that Assad must be cast out.

Peace Treaty WITHOUT OBAMA: ORIGEN of the fight OBAMA vs. PUTIN.
Putin negotiated a final peace treaty, after August 2016, between Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria and President Obama was ignored and excluded. I imagine these two previous circumstances were the origin of the personal conflict between Obama and Putin and not the imaginary Russian political intervention in the 2016 presidential elections in U.S.A.

QUESTIONS? How does ISIS get MONEY to fund its WAR and who SUPPORTS it?. It is there any relationship between the Arab countries, Sunnis, with ISIS, Sunni? . What are really the objectives of ISIS? Is it the petroleum of Iraq, Syria and Yemen all Shiites countries?. Or is it a political persecution of the Arab Sunni Monarchies against minority Shiites, which identify in many aspects with the western world culture?
OBAMA QUESTIONS : Why did President Obama side with Sunnis, in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq and with the Arab Monarchy? Why did not President Obama stop ISIS from the BEGINNING, and let the terrorists become so powerful? What did President Obama Government invade these four countries: Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria, without any interest for the United States.?

IS QATAR the ONLY RESPONSIBLE? Trump petition is working.
According to the last information on June 5, 2017, the block of Arab countries headed by Saudi Arabia BROKE diplomatic relationship with QATAR blaming it for supporting ISIS. This was accepting the petition of President Trump during his trip to the Arab continent, when in his speeches he said Arab countries were the only power that could eliminate ISIS, by stopping financial support, educating and controlling extremists in their own organizations.

The fracture of the block of Arab Monarchies to help the western world to solve the terrorism problem, is the most important International political decision that has happened in the last 50 years.


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Why would a defendant attack a judge who spared his life? Why would Dictator Assad commit a crime dropping chemical weapons on a civil community, affecting the relationship of the two countries-U.S-Syria-, 24 hours after president Trump offered Assad friendship and deposited in his hand the laurels of peace, freeing him from six years of the obsessive President Obama asking him dozens of times to relinquish his job?

David Ignatius wrote in the Washington Post: “Why did Assad use nerve gas in Idlib? It is impossible to know. Maybe…”

Who is going to benefit politically and who is going to suffer the negatives effects of the U.S. bombing of Syria?

Millions of Americans ask themselves this question in the middle of the night because they are scared of saying what they think.

Everything looks as if it was a plot to discredit
Mr. Trump, and Mr. Trump got caught in the trap.

Let’s be real. The fight is between Obama and Trump for the presidency in 2020. To be honest, the Obama campaign is doing better up to now, and he has the advantage that the Trump administration is 95% obamista. Mr. Obama had said that he would have beaten Trump if he had been the candidate in 2016. So now, with that delusional idea, he is preparing to beat Trump in 2020.

Mr. Obama under the new circumstances has gotten what he wanted: make Mr. Trump a participant of the Syria conflict so he can share mutual responsibility in the future; break the relationship between United States and Russia, and between Mr. Trump and Putin; get political power to continue attacking Mr. Putin for supporting President Assad, and for supposedly having intervened in the presidential campaign against the democrats in favor of President Trump.

The government of Mr. Assad, as well as the rebels or Free Syrian Army, sponsored by the Obama government, as was decided in the Tunis convention presided by Hillary Clinton on February 25-2012, both, were blamed for using chemical weapons during this war. The United Nations could not prove it.

The REBELS used chemical weapons?
Reuter News and the foundation Constitutional Right Pac reported in 2014 that it was quite possible that the rebels were the one organization that used chemical weapons, with the intention of accusing the Assad Government as the culprit.

Recently AP told the Washington Post that the disarmament has always been the subject of doubt, and there is evidence that the Islamic State group and other insurgents might have acquired chemical weapons.

The DEAL in Geneva eliminated all chemical weapons from Syria, after the bloody battle when the Rebels took over Aleppo.

RUSSIA was the country directed by Mr. PUTIN that brokered the deal which finally got rid of chemical weapon from Syria, with the participation of the United Nations, U.S. and several countries.

The OBAMA Government got the responsibility of transporting the Chemical weapons out of Syria, and the stock was supposed to be deposited in Afghanistan to be burned.

The United Nations and several organizations have been supervising the deal, and up to April 4, 2017, Syria was never accused formally of using Chemical Weapons, and President Obama personally had affirmed that the chemical weapons were one hundred percent out of Syria after 2014.

Mr. Larry Ward, president of the organization Constitutional Right Pac, wrote in the article, “Stay out of Syria” in 2014: “The intervention in Syria is unconstitutional. At the time that we are told the ISIS threat is everywhere we are told we need to begin air strikes on Syria WHY? Why Syria?”

This is my conclusion from this brief analysis of the war in Syria: Mr. Trump, stay out of Syria.

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La verdad de lo que está empezando a pasar no sólo en los hospitales alemanes;
sino de Checkia, Austria y pronto en Europa…
Una doctora, (Brigitta Schwab) en Munich -Alemania-, envía un mensaje al mundo:
Ayer, en el hospital, tuvimos una reunión sobre cómo está la situación aquí y en los otros hospitales en München (Munich),…y es realmente insostenible!
Muchos migrantes tienen SIDA, sífilis, tuberculosis abierta, lepra y muchas enfermedades exóticas que nosotros, en Europa, no sabemos cómo tratarlas para vencerlas, puesto que no tenemos personal preparado y especializado.

Si reciben una receta en la farmacia, y se enteran de que tienen que pagar un tanto en efectivo por medicamentos para los niños… Ellos abandonan a los niños, dejándoles con el personal de la farmacia con las palabras: ¡cúrenlos aquí ustedes mismos !

En un hospital cerca del Rhin, los migrantes atacaron al personal con cuchillos después de que habían entregado a un niño de 8 meses de edad, al borde de la muerte, al que habían arrastrado a través de la mitad de Europa durante tres meses… El niño murió en dos días, a pesar de haber recibido atención superior en una de las mejores clínicas pediátricas en Alemania…

El médico tuvo que pasar por el quirófano y dos enfermeras se restablecen en la UCI, después del ataque lanzado contra ellas y contra el personal sanitario, cuando se les comunico el deceso del nino a pesar de los esfuerzos… Sin embargo:… ¡ Nadie ha sido detenido o castigado !
¿ Qué le hubiera pasado a un alemán si él hubiera atacado a un médico y las enfermeras con un cuchillo ? ¿ O si hubiera lanzado su propia orina infectada con sífilis a unas enfermeras ?… Como mínimo iría directamente a la cárcel y más tarde a la corte judicial o penal.
Las mujeres no saben comportarse, estimo, que una de cada siete está embarazada ! Cientos de miles de ellos han traído a lactantes y niños pequeños menores de seis años, sin posibilidad de ofrecerles a medio plazo una atención adecuada.

Como enfermera profesional, y quince años de servicio en Hospital de la Seguridad Social del Estado Federado de Baviera, nadie me puede mantener en esta situación, ni siquiera con el doble del salario… Estoy en Alemania, no en África ni en el Medio Oriente.

¡ Yo, ni nadie merecemos ni necesitamos esto !
Pero me temo que, pronto será lo mismo en las Repúblicas vecinas. Si los alemanes, con nuestra naturaleza no podemos manejar esto, en Checkia, Eslovaquia o en Austria será un caos total a no mucho tardar.

¿Al recibir los refugiados, Estados Unidos sufriria esta misma “situación” ?

Que cada cual saque la conclusión que quiera

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Congress rejected it. Democrats and Republican almost unanimously opposed the War.

Evidence and facts.

On Friday the third of June 2011 more than four hundred congressman, out of 435, for different motives, but with the same objective, denied the authorization to declare the war against Libya. Congressman Roscoe G. Barley, said in the debate, that the president act as if he were owner of the military forces. “This is an unconstitutional and illegal war, and I think it set a very dangerous precedent”.

Defense Secretary and MILITARY assistants, against the war.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates told congress before the invasion: Libya is not threat for the American Security and Libya is not of vital interest for the United States. U.S.A does not have any interest in overthrow Gaddafi.

Robert Gates in his trip to Russia, had said: “the military operation should not target Gaddafi personally o exceed the mandate of the United Nations. The conflict in Libya, basically have to be resolve by the Libyan themselves”.

General Carter F. Ham, in charge of the coordination of the war told the congress March 30, 2011, that there “was a possibility to stop the war, “If the revels were operating a military vehicle or heavy weapon they would get no support”.

Washington Post in Editorial, on April, 2011, Confusion in Libya: “President Obama says, Gaddafi must go, but that is not why we are bombing him”… “The opposition leadership it is a broadly disparate desegregated group it does not deserve support.”

Admiral Mullen said on CBS, “that there is the possibility that Gaddafi could remain in power”.

One employee of the White House said: “It is possible that Gaddafi could be assassinated” “but by all accounts he is very paranoid and he will fend off for his own survival”.

President Obama said : “The world will be better off, without Gaddafi, NATO, will chase Gaddafi”.

James Clapper, military adviser, said: “that supporting the revolutionary group it would lead to the civil war and Gaddafi regimen will prevail”

One of Muslim assistants of President Obama required the resignation of Mr. Clapper.

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For several weeks I requested an interview with Mr. Trump, and he ignored my petition. That is why I decided to go to the press conference in Iowa to get my interview. This was the audacious statement of Mr. Jorge Ramos, the correspondent from the Spanish Univision TV channel.

Of course the unilateral decision of Mr. Ramos indicates somebody living in a period of political fantasy, as a result of President Obama conceding, exclusively for personal political interest, unconstitutional rights to Mexicans who came here breaking the American law. This untouchable minority has lost the rational concept of behaving and has ignored the difference between right and wrong.

This socio-political dysfunction has been used by Mr. Ramos and his colleagues in Univision to justify all the mistakes done by the illegal immigrants under the theory that all sanctions against them by different authorities of the United States like local governments, police, or schools are racial persecution.

Also the obsessive campaign of Univision against Sheriff Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona proves once more that Mr. Ramos is not an independent anchor.
The unusual behavior of Mr. Ramos at the Press conference in Iowa led people to think he just wanted to show the naive Hispanic electorate he is a martyr persecuted by the Republican Party.

His system of emitting political theories, instead of asking questions, backfired against him, and produced a backlash of support for Mr. Trump from the Republican opponents.

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In speeches given at Cairo University and the Turkish Congress at the beginning of his first term, President Obama identified himself as HUSSEIN OBAMA, a name that was not used in this country, and promised to promote the Muslim religion in the United States.
He recognized having practiced Muslim rites several times a day when he lived with his parents in INDONESIA as young boy studying at a primary school.
Polls in 2009 concluded that 25 %.of Americans believe he is Muslin. Nobody has the courage to discuss this subject in 2015.
He has continually attacked the principles of the Christian community which constitutes more than 80 % of the country. “This is not the kind of sensibility that Obama showed in 2009 when he spoke here,” said the Chancellor of the University of Notre Dame John Jenkins in 2012.
In the cases of the Lutheran and Catholic Church vrs Government before the Supreme Court, the Obama representative attacked the principles of both churches and in one comment said that Christianity is not different from a Plumber Union. The Supreme Court unanimously decided in favor of the Churches.
Pastor Jeremiah Wright considered enemy number one of the United States, was his spiritual advisor for 20 years. When Obama took office as president he refused to receive the Pastor at the White House whom he had considered his best friend for a long time.
Comparing Christian violence one thousand years ago with the ISIS beheading of Christians in 2015 is just a justification of the Muslin extremist terrorist crimes of intimidation against Americans. It is clear that justifying a perverse action is a moral and behavioral misconduct against a country in this case, but it does not mean direct support which is a legal crime.
The President learned at the Harvard Law School from Aristotle’s SYLLOGISM that the comparison of two PREMISES leads to one CONCLUSION: I commit this crime because somebody else did the same.

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Obama’s STRATEGY is against Syria.

Obama is preparing a new surprise to change the American mind at the eve of the most decisive elections in decades: LEGAL WAR against SYRIA aiming to dethrone Assad, not against ISIS.

Are Republicans so stupid that they are going to buy this trick?. I have been watching my favorite Chanel Fox supporting it.

Politically Obama got into a cross-road. It is simple. SUNNIS are the main supporters of ISIS in Iraq. Obama supported SUNNIS in Iraq against Al-Maliki for several years. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Turkey are majority SUNNI, countries which helped Obama fight against Assad who is Shiite.

Playing the role of an international dictator, Obama ordered the presidents of Libya, Egypt Yemen and Syria to resign. Assad was the only one who rejected the order and survives, and finally won the war. The other three presidents are dead or in jail. The three presidents deposed were very good friends of the United States. The three countries are in complete legal and social disorder, facing anarchy, violence, and religious persecution.

It was the Obama government which organized the famous Assembly in Tunis on February 25-2012, when the unofficial war against Shiite-Syria began. The Obama government, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar and Turkey, SUNNIS, were in charge to provide money and use their borders to transport weapons surreptitiously and allow the revolutionaries to move back and forth. The United States contributed with Ten Million Dollars to the fighting fund. – ( Book : Obama Second Opinion, by Bernardo Vargas G.)

Hillary Clinton presided over the Assembly in Tunis and began the deliberations on February -25- 2012 with this statement: “Revolutionaries will from somewhere or somehow find the means to defend themselves as well as begin offensive measures”. (Journalist Karen Deyoung)

SYRIA SURRENDERED CHEMICAL WEAPONS. The Obama government has said to the American people several times that Syria used Chemical Weapons. The United Nations has said they never proved which one of the two used Chemical weapons, the government or the rebels.
Syria destroyed all the chemical weapons they have, complying with the agreement with the United Nations. Even the United States transported and burned some of them.

GENOCIDE. 193.369 victims and 4 Million refugees have been the result of the informal War against Syrian, in three years, according to the United Nations, up until July 2014.
In 2013, one year ago, the United Nations counted 100.000 victims. The United Nations has not released the number of victims in 2012, after the Tunis Assembly.

The Obama current STRATEGY in Syria: depose Bashar Assad . It does matter how many people will die.
A White House spokeswomen has said: “ We are not going to ask for permission from the Syrian Regimen, after they were told Assad will not cooperate with the Obama government.

SYRIA REJECTED: The Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Mohallen said Monday, September 8 that Damascus would not tolerate unilateral action by the U.S.A against the extremists even in the part of the country that the government no longer controls. He said Syria is ready to cooperate and coordinate on the regional and international level in the war against terror. Any airstrikes should be conducted with the approval of the Syrian Government. (Washington Times, August 26 -2014. )

Obama’s Intervention in Syria is UNCONSTITUTIONAL : Larry Ward President CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT PAC. E-Mail: Larry.Ward@psycloneemail.com
In his Article, “Stay out of Syria”, Mr. Ward says: “At the same time that we are told the ISIS threat is everywhere, we are told we need to begin airstrikes on Syria. WHY??? Why Syria?”

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The U.S. A. does not negotiate with terrorists, the president had said, applying a traditional American foreign policy for many years.

When the president received the Nobel Peace Award in Oslo he said: “I face the world as it is, I cannot stand idle in the face of threat to the American people. For make no mistake: evil does exist in the world. A non violent movement could not have halted Hitler ‘arms. Negotiations can not convince terrorist leaders to lay down their arms”

Now on the eve of the most important congressional election in history, the President has changed his mind.
In order to win the majority of congress in November, he persistently violates the law, and arbitrarily changed several traditional administrative regulations on immigration.

Dividing the community is the best system to govern a country. That has been the system the President Obama has used for 6 years.

The negotiation, with Taliban, the terrorist organization which has killed thousands of young American soldiers in Afghanistan, and was a necessary accomplice of Al-Qaeda in the terrorists explosion of the New York World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington, on 9-11-01, killing more than 3.000 innocent American people, has a political objective.
The illegal procedure of the deal is clear. Even the Democrats, his own political party recognize the violation of the Law,

Phony scandals. President Obama accuses critics of the terrorist swap as authors of phony scandals.
The Defense’ Secretary said : “The government does not negotiate with terrorists, it was the government of Qatar which negotiated the prisoner swap.” That statement is not only phony, it is an insult to Americans, considering them ignorant people easy to be deceived
The same day, on Saturday June 31, the President himself said that the swap was an “ironclad commitment to bring our prisoner of war home.”

The security adviser Mrs. Rice, who apparently is treated disrespectfully by the White House, is in charge of transmitting phony news to the public in order to disorient the national opinion, has said : “ Sergeant Bergdahl had served with honor and distinction”. .
Serious information, coming from military sources and the media, has proved Sergeant Bergdahl is considered a military deserter and not a hero, because he irresponsibly abandoned his duties as leader of a Platoon in the middle of the night, an attitude that caused a pending military investigation.
According to information given by TV news channels, it also has been said that he had publically announced being against the war in Afghanistan where he was providing his services, had converted to Islam and had been a collaborator with the Taliban,

Common sense justifies the theory of COOPERATION with the Taliban if we think that it is absolutely impossible that an American soldier would have saved his life wandering in the middle of the night without arms, amid terrorists, if the enemies had not agreed in advance with the plan of the evasion.

ADVICE. Sergeant Bergdahl, as a matter of fact nobody is against your freedom. We only know one side of the coin. You will have the opportunity to refute. My advice for you would be to be honest if the hypothesis of cooperation with the Taliban has any evidence. Tell Americans whether or not you committed a terrible mistake or you were a naive instrument induced by somebody else who had a different plan. Tell Americans if somebody else, either politician or military was involved in the plot, if there was one, that almost cost your life, even if it was done in good faith.

Muslim electorate. Drones vs. Guantanamo. The Muslim community is not satisfied with the Arab president’s policy of using Drones for Killing individual terrorists and non terrorists and their families in non combatant actions. They also believe that the President involuntarily has encouraged the fight between Shiites and Sunnis around the world, mainly in the Middle East as well as in all of Africa,
Some American senators agree with them, and in their debates find a controversial position of the President of whom they said that while the President persists in eliminating the Guantanamo Prison because of attempts against Human Rights, on the other hand he defends and has justified in his presidential term the use of Drones for the killing of Americans suspected of terrorism, without any judicial process.

Immigration reform for elections. Simultaneously with the Taliban deal he has issued several new administrative orders, inciting Mexican parents to bring their children to the United States illegally, granting them benefits, like education, health care and also providing free legal services.

These entire demagogue tricks could backfire for the President and American people, who are not as stupid as President believe, will vote for a republican congress in November.

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Programa de McAuliffe, Washington Post Octubre 21-2013

MARXISMO. El filosofo Marxista Ludwig Feuerbach wrote in his Book The “Essence of Christianity”: The abolishment of religions is essential to abolish private property and to control freedom of expression

Matrimonio Biologico.
La destruccion del matrimonio biologico natural, es el sistema marxista mas efectivo para destruir una sociedad. Inocular en la mente de los niños infantiles, la idea de que el matrimonio entre dos hombres es igual al matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer es cambiar la funcion natural de los órganos del cuerpo humano por una funcion ideologica con objetivos politicos para desmoralizar y desorientar una sociedad. Y este lavado cerebral a su vez crea la tergiversacion del proceso racional del conocimiento, cambiando el sistema logico por otro emocional. Esta anarquia conduce a la comunidad a observar con indiferencia la corrupcion política y administrativa de los gobiernos. La anarquía mental crea finalmente la desesperacion que conduce a la violencia, el homicidio y el suicidio .

HOMOSEXUALISMO, es una enfermedad curable, Sico-socio-economica , y ultimamente politica, en que un sujeto activo corrupto abusa de un inocente sujeto pasivo que debido a multiples causas se encuentra en un estado de inferioridad sicologica. Los sujetos pasivos necesitan compasion, ayuda espiritual y mucha comprension de la sociedad.

SODOMY: “ McAuliffe, defend Sodomy” as a natural sexual act.- W. Post.

ABORTION. McAuliffe support Abortion in the tree cycles. “He opposed the abortion clinic rules baked by Cuccinelli . The State of Virginia prohibit third trimester abortion except to protect the life or health of the mother”. W. Post.

“McAuliffe said he is proud to support marriage equality. He has said he would sign a bill overturning Virginia ban on gay marriage” “He believes our laws should be updated to conform with court rulings” in other words to impose in Virginia the homosexual marriage.- W. Post.

TRAFICO DE INFUENCIAS. McAuliffe y los Clinton.
“He has invested in two firms billed as environmentally Green Tech Automotive Which makes electric cars, and Franklin Pellets Neither has met McAuliffe promises of creating jobs. W. Post.
“Founded in 2009, Mississippe, based Green Tech Automotive INC. through a sister company called Gulf Coast Fund Management LLC. The sole function of Gulf Coast is to manage EB-5( visas) investment for Green Tech run by Anthony Rodham the brother of former secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Green Tech shares a Mclean Address with Gulf Coast.- Washington Times, October 28-2013
McAuliffe en Cuba. “McAuliffe is a close friend and adviser to Hillary Rodham Clinton who was Secretary of State at the time of Mr. McAuliffe trip to Cuba, and should she run for president would be courting Cuban American voters wary of contact with the regimen there.” W. Times, October 30-2013. Objective: divide Cubans en Florida.
“Mr. McAuliffe has explained that his visit was strictly commercial to promote Virginia wine selling in Cuba”. The problem is that in Cuba is prohibited for national to drink foreign WINE.
Las FARC, Colombian terrorist, rejected by Colombian people, were also in Cuba attending a peace meeting. Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State on behalf of Obama Government supported those meetings

“McAuliffe backs the Obama Health Care Law overall, but President Obama for delaying the employer mandate, in part because of its effects on community college where many adjunct instructor’s weekly hours were cut below 30 to avoid the requirement”. This statement could be believed by naïve Spanish people.
OBAMA PROMISE IS NOT TRUE. Washington Post Editorial, October 30-13. “President Obama famously claimed that Americans who liked their insurance plan would be able to keep them under health care reform. Well that is not completely true. Thousands of American, millions, informing that their Health Insurance Policies are been canceled as of Dec-31. In Florida 300.000. (In California, 800.000) .

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El abogado de Zimmerman, en una entrevista relámpago de segundos en el programa del señor Piers Morgan dio a entender que Myriam había sido ajusticiada después de haber salido del automóvil a entregarse a las autoridades.
Las razones que invoco la Policía en Washington para eliminar un sospechoso que después de un largo proceso de seguimiento, físicamente se entrega a la policía, serán objeto de un largo proceso investigativo y de muchas dudas e interrogantes por los analistas criminólogos o criminalistas como el abogado de Zimmerman.

Los informativos gubernamentales reseñados por la prensa cuentan y muestran el video de la trama desde la iniciación en que Myriam se traslada de Stamford, Connecticut a Washington en una misión misteriosa, arremete contra una valla metálica de la Casa Blanca, su vehículo es retenido por la policía protectora del presidente, la evasión violenta de Myriam, y el seguimiento policivo por los alrededores de la Casa Blanca, el Capitolio nacional y las oficinas de los senadores, pero ningún periodico muestra la escena final cuando fue ajusticiada

La versión del novio de Myriam: Espionaje Estatal

El novio de Myriam ha dejado entrever que Myriam estaba traumatizada porque con fundamento o simplemente con sospecha creía que el gobierno del Presidente Obama la estaba expiando después del genocidio en el Centro Comercial de Nairobi, Kenia, por bandas criminales procedentes de Somalia.

Origen de la paranoia de Myriam.

Las dudas de Myriam sobre su espionaje, que si no tienen una comprobación, han podido ser el resultado de una paranoia, semejante a la paranoia que sufre el gobierno de este país, al creer que todos los americanos son sospechosos. Pero la paranoia de Myriam puede ser razonable si se considera que sus ancestros, supuestamente, son de origen Somalí de donde salieron los terroristas que cometieron el crimen contra los Kenia, como retaliación a la ayuda militar que con apoyo del gobierno americano Kenia le ofreció al Gobierno Somalí para eliminar los amigos de Al-qaeda en ese país.

Objetivo de la visita a la Casa Blanca
De acuerdo con esta supuesta versión, el objetivo de la visita a la Casa Blanca se explica aunque no se justifica la metodología que Myriam uso para buscar una entrevista con el presidente o un medio violento de publicidad para mostrar su rechazo a su presunción de espionaje estatal.
Todas las circunstancias demuestran que ese fue su objetivito, no atentar contra la vida del señor Presidente.
Viajar en compañía de una criatura, el no haber usado armas en el momento en que fue bloqueada por la policía de la Casa Blanca, el tratar de escapar atemorizada por su error original, y finalmente el salir de su automóvil para entregarse obedecimiento ordenes de la policía demuestran que nunca intento usar la violencia contra las autoridades.

Abogados defensores, alegan que debe haber una proporcion entre la fuerza policiva y el comportamiento del sospechoso. No es explicable que la policía no haya disparado contra las llantas al principio de la acción, para inmovilizarlo o después durante la persecución pero si cuando la sospechosa sale de su vehículo a entregarse a las autoridades, si esta versión es verdadera.

Los analistas socio-jurídicos pueden pensar equivocadamente que la muerte de Myriam tuvo que ver con el ataque de los somalís al Supermercado de Nairobi. También pueden imaginarse que el policía que disparo contra Myriam había recibido órdenes superiores.

Personalidad de Myriam

Todas las informaciones relacionadas con la personalidad de Myriam, demuestran que se trataba de una joven mujer africoamericana, que había luchado por superarse, había adquirido una profesión universitaria, desempeñaba su cargo privado responsablemente, era caritativa, socialmente admirada por amigas y conocidos de diferentes rasgos étnicos, y en general era una joven extraordinariamente balanceada sicológicamente. Un análisis somero de las fotografías publicadas por la prensa confirman todas estas características. Una joven mujer, de facciones elegantes y alegres, optimista, llena de amor por la humanidad, deja un angelito en la oscuridad, y pierde su vida, luchando por un futuro constructivo para su familia, en una incierta civilización industrializada.

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